Type | Changes | By |
 | Added tool 'eapp2mvn' to deploy non-maven packaged erlang applications
to a maven repository using configurable coordinates. Fixes 3167277. | ghaskins |
 | Added generated help mojo 'erlang:help' to display information about the
available goals. | schlagert, olle-t |
 | Removed the 'failIfNoTests' parameter for simplifying plug-ing usage. | schlagert, heyll |
 | Fixed dangling application project dependencies in 'target/lib' when
changing a dependency version and not 'cleaning' the next build. | schlagert, olle-t |
 | Made 'relup' and 'sys.config' files mandatory in erlang-rel projects.
Added basic template generation for those in 'erlang:setup'. | schlagert, olle-t |
 | Added the 'erlang:show-build-info' goal that outputs code paths and
include paths used to compile the erlang sources, so that other tools
(i.e. emacs) can compile erlang files of a mavenized erlang project. | heyll |
 | Added UnArchiver support to erlang-rel artifacts. This allows other
projects to consume these artifacts, e.g. rpm-maven-plugin based
artifacts. | ghaskins |
 | Removed built-in mock library support. Use external library instead.
E.g. 'erlymock' by Sven Heyll (https://github.com/sheyll/erlymock). | schlagert |
 | Added experimental goal to create a startable target system from a
release project (according to the official erlang documentation). | schlagert |
 | Changed semantics of the ${ERTS} release packaging variables to expand
to the complete erts version tuple as required by the release file's
erts section. | schlagert, olle-t |
 | Added goal erlang:upload to upload the applications and releases to a
remote erlang node (located on another machine). | schlagert |
 | Changed semantics of the ${APPLICATION_NAME} release packaging
variables to expand to the complete application name, version tuple as
required by the release file's applications section. | schlagert |
 | Changed semantics of ${APPLICATIONS} for erlang-otp/erlang-std projects.
This will now expand to a comma separated listing instead of an erlang
list. Fixes 3166835. | schlagert |
 | Release and release upgrade files of erlang-rel projects must now be of
the form [ARTIFACTID].rel / [ARTIFACTID].relup. This allows usage of the
maven-release-plugin that changes the effective project version in the
pom while building. Though, generated release artifacts will retain the
version information in the filenames. | schlagert |
 | Added support to recognise both British and American spelling of the
-behaviour tag. Fixes 3166359. Thanks to ghaskins. | schlagert |
 | Refined dependency management of releases by choosing the standard
erlang/OTP application versions from a specific OTP release.
Availability of the required release is checked (but may be skipped for
testing purposes). Fixes 3166835. Thanks to ghaskins. | schlagert, olle-t |
 | Improved application packaging by adding the customizable ${APPLICATIONS}
packaging variable which expands to all application dependencies (except
OTP standard ones). Fixes 3166182. Thanks to ghaskins. | schlagert, olle-t |
 | Improved release packaging by adding the customizable ${AUTODEPS}
packaging variable which expands to all release dependencies (including
OTP standard ones). Fixes 3165497. Thanks to ghaskins. | schlagert, olle-t |
 | Changed the ${APPLICATIONS} release packaging variable to expand to a
comma separated listing of all release dependencies (including OTP
standard ones). Fixes 3165497. Thanks to ghaskins. | schlagert |
 | Introduced two backend nodes. One used for testing and another one for
compiling, packaging, running projects. | schlagert, olle-t |
 | Added plain text coverage report as optional output direct to stdout
instead of saved coverage report. | olle-t |
 | Removed support for SNMP resource compilation. | schlagert |
 | Main and test resources no longer supported by packaging, replaced with
main and test priv directories (can be found using code:priv_dir/1). | schlagert |
 | Added support for test and provided scope dependencies. | schlagert |
 | Fixed run goal erlang:run to start all transitive application
dependencies and pre-load all project (and dependency) modules. The goal
can now run projects on remote nodes (located on another machine). | schlagert |
 | Added more checks for release file management support, removed automatic
release file generation. | schlagert |
 | Added more checks for application file management support, removed
automatic application file generation. | schlagert |
 | Added several unit and integration tests. | schlagert |
 | All mojos now use jinterface for erlang rpcs instead of using
erl -run or erl -eval. First of all this speeds up the build
significantly. Another big advantage is that the plugin can now be
integrated into the development using emacs with the distel extension
since the plugin can use the emacs distel node or vice versa. | schlagert, olle-t |
 | Added packaging type erlang-std which respects the default erlang/OTP
application directory layout. | schlagert |
 | Test suffixes can now be either "_test" (for backward compatibility) or
"_tests" eunit standard. | schlagert |